Weekend Weddings

Gone are the days when your only option was a one-day celebration, with more and more couples choosing to extend the festivities over an entire weekend. 

It's no secret that your wedding day flies by, in the lead-up to my own wedding I was frequently told to 'enjoy every second', 'you won't get to talk to everyone' and 'find a few moments for the two of you', how right each piece of advice was. The following day I remember us commenting how 'I would give anything to do it all again'.  Ten years ago a 2-3 day wedding wasn't even an option; outside of American movies or the pages of Hello. 

Needless to say, I love the growing trend of extending your day, with it offering the opportunity to spend more time with your loved ones who have often travelled from afar. I would encourage every engaged couple to look at this option. 

Don't worry...I hear you, not all couples have the budget for an entire weekend in a private mansion house, but there are options that may mean your budget may go a little further than you imagined including; late deals, low session offerings and mid-week dates. Or why not speak to our Wedding Coordinators about a bespoke option, for example, dinner the night before your big day?

At the Hall, we offer 'Treasured Weekend' and 'Signature Weekend' packages' which although include different food and drink options, do follow the same overall itinerary: 

Day one - Arrival from 3pm with a three-course evening meal

Day two - Wedding day (The number of canapes and courses for your wedding breakfast will vary depending on the package)

Day three - Barbecue or two-course roast meal, with departure by 5pm 

Both packages also include 25 bedrooms for two nights with breakfast and our cosy Cottage for two nights.

The luxury of time allows couples to really think outside the box and add personality to their weekend, from quiz nights to masked balls, we have seen an array of exciting variations. It also allows time to relax and really savour the moment, sitting back and enjoying a BBQ with a cocktail in hand, a game of rounders, or family space hopper race sounds like a great way to finish the weekend!