
Your wedding is on hold – but it could be worse!

Let’s be honest, 2020 was pretty disastrous for anyone hoping to get married. And the New Year hasn’t got off to a much better start. So, in this post we share some wedding disaster stories collated from the internet, to help cheer you up – at least you’ve not had to cope with situations as bad as these! On a more positive note the vaccine rollout means that weddings might start happening again soon. Hang in there and we look forward to hosting your celebration soon.

January 14, 2021
5 min read

Let’s be honest, 2020 was pretty disastrous for anyone hoping to get married.  And the New Year hasn’t got off to a much better start.  So, in this post we share some wedding disaster stories collated from the internet, to help cheer you up – at least you’ve not had to cope with situations as bad as these!  On a more positive note the vaccine rollout means that weddings might start happening again soon.  Hang in there and we look forward to hosting your celebration soon.

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Not funny

Tales of a drunken Best Man giving a dreadful speech are not uncommon.  So, spare a thought for the bride who had to sit through 20 minutes of crude jokes and a long list of the many women her husband had slept with before he met her.  Eventually he jumped off the stage and fell in a heap, splitting his trousers wide open in the process.  Down, but not out, he challenged the groom's 75-year-old grandpa to a wrestling match...and lost.

Bad dad

One guest relates how their father got to the food table and decided to garnish his loaded plate with ketchup.  He squeezed the bottle but nothing came out.  So he shook the bottle violently to move the contents towards the nozzle – before putting the cap back on.  A big red dollop flew over his shoulder and guess who was stood right behind?  The bride…in her brilliant white dress.

Handbags at dawn

A groom that cheats on his fiancé?  It happens.  But on the night before the wedding – that’s hard to excuse.  In this instance the bride got the full story by anonymous text.  A fight ensued but things were hastily patched up.  What made it especially tricky was the fact the other guilty party was the girl who was doing the bride’s makeup.  Awkward, or what?

Photo by Sandra Gabriel on Unsplash
Photo by Sandra Gabriel on Unsplash

Tight – in every sense

Heard the one about the bride who ordered her bridesmaid dresses online and thought she’d got a really good deal?  When the package arrived she invited her bridesmaids over so they could all open the package together.  Everyone was super excited – until they discovered she had ordered Barbie Doll dresses – no wonder the price seemed too good to be true.  

Beware the ‘reply all’ tab

Imagine a bride who was so chilled she let her three bridesmaids choose what they wanted to wear. Her bestie, BM1, chose a gorgeous dress. The bride loved it, BM2 loved it and as far as these two knew BM3 was happy too.  A few days later the bride received an email from BM3.  This was was meant to go to BM1 and BM2 but not the bride – the ‘reply all’ tab had been pressed by mistake.  BM3 criticized how the bride had been planning the wedding and said the dresses would make the girls ‘look disgusting’. She didn’t realize BM1 and BM2 had picked their own outfits.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Destination wedding woes

A couple were flying out to get married in Kos.   The plane was struck by lightning and the flight was diverted to Rome so the plane could be checked over.  In the confusion the couple lost their passports – a fact they only discovered when they eventually tried to go through immigration in Kos.  It was two in the morning but, despite the bride to be having a meltdown with the officials, they eventually got scans of the mislaid documents by calling the wedding planner and the parents.  Their driver had by this time left and gone to bed.  The wedding planners husband had to give them a lift.  The groom spent three hours on the phone next day smoothing things over.  On the day of the wedding they got a speedboat to the ceremony. The driver of the speedboat turned out to be one of the immigration officers they had been screaming at about 36 hours before – piloting a boat was something he did on the side.  

No photos, please

A wedding planner described one incident where the ceremony was held in a gazebo.  The groom rode up to the altar in a horse drawn carriage.  It was only then that he discovered he was allergic to horses.  An ambulance was called and he made a bit of a recovery with the help of some antihistamines.  However, his face was so swollen they couldn't take any pictures.

Looking forward to your big day

Having to put your wedding plans on hold is no fun – but not as bad as coping with these awkward situations.  When restrictions start to be lifted the experienced team at Clevedon Hall look forward to helping you tie the knot without a glitch!