
Wedding guest stereotypes to watch out for

Every wedding is different, because each couple is unique, with their own story, sense of style and set of friends and relatives. Having said that there are certain types of stereotypical guests who seem to turn up every time. In this post we list those that no wedding would be complete without. Be prepared - they make for an amusing wedding movie but are not always so funny when they show up on your big day!

February 8, 2021
5 min read

Every wedding is different, because each couple is unique, with their own story, sense of style and set of friends and relatives.  Having said that there are certain types of stereotypical guests who seem to turn up every time.  In this post we list those that no wedding would be complete without.  Be prepared - they make for an amusing wedding movie but are not always so funny when they show up on your big day!


The Party Animal

All the way through the ceremony and the meal they’ll be fidgety, just waiting for the music to start so they can make like John Travolta.  They’re first on the dance floor and the last to leave it.  A couple of these characters can be the life and soul of the party…but sometimes they can become a bit of an irritation!

The Happy Snapper

A wannabe wedding photographer whose artistic talents are wasted in the day job (works in a call centre, warehouse or accountancy firm?).  They are right there, getting the close up at every big moment - vows, first kiss, first dance, speeches, cutting the cake.  Being positive, this can give you some great shots that might otherwise have been missed.  But on the other they may get in the way of the professional you are paying to do the job.  Also, your over enthusiastic happy snapper might post their stuff on social media before you can get the official ones out there.  If you don’t want that to happen put a polite note on the invitations.


The Predatory Bachelor

The Ladies Man can be spotted on the edge of the crowd waiting to pounce with lines like “I can’t believe you haven’t walked down the aisle with some lucky man yet”, or “it must be embarrassing for you, looking prettier than the bride.”  Keep an eye on him and send help if he homes in on girlfriend who’s fresh from a break up.  Seating him with a group of happy couples may help to limit the damage he’s capable of causing.

The Judge

The recently married or soon to be married guest who is an expert in all things wedding.  You’ll see her out of the corner of your eye critiquing the flowers or overhear her finding fault with the seating plan.  Ignore them!  

The Emotional Wreck

Everyone with a heart will feel moved to shed a tear at some point during the proceedings – but this guest is in floods, and bits, for best part of the day.  Just make sure there are plenty of tissues to hand and don’t be surprised if they are continually heading to the loo.  Try and sit them with a bunch of cheerful and emotionally stable guests!

The Wannabe DJ

This is the character who is constantly hogging the iPod at parties.  This isn’t such a problem at lesser social events but not good on your big night.  You can spot them bending the DJ’s ear about what song to play next.  Head this one off by telling the DJ or band, ahead of time, to ignore all requests.


The Recently Single

The unfortunate guest was planning on being at your wedding with their partner but it just didn’t work out that way. Naturally they’ll be feeling very emotional and happy for you (whilst feeling sorry for themselves).  Seat them with a fun crowd to lift their spirits.  Keep a watchful eye to make sure they don’t do too good a job of drowning their sorrows or fall into the clutches of the Predatory Bachelor!


The Binge Drinker

There’s always going to be one or two who have one or two too many.   If the Best Man has a tendency in this direction make every effort to keep him sober until the speeches are over.  There’s usually a bridesmaid who overdoes the Prosecco, goes wild on the dancefloor, makes a grab for a married guest then falls asleep by 10pm.  Perhaps appoint a couple of alcohol monitors to keep an eye out for those who need slowing down or being helped up.

The Anxious Mother of the Bride

She just can’t help giving her opinion when not asked for it and micromanaging every tiny detail.  Best to give her a few non-essential tasks that will keep her occupied while everyone else concentrates on just having a good time.


The Life Saver

Usually one of your bridesmaids or quite possibly your maid of honour.  Whenever there’s an unexpected problem they’re on it.  She fixed your hair when the clips came out, re-did your makeup when your mascara was running and kept the kids busy when they became restless.  Make sure you give her a great present once the celebrations are over!

Looking forward to your big day

Right now you can only have four guests – which makes things much easier to manage!  Once lockdown is over you’ll hopefully be able to invite as many as you like – including all of the above.  We hope our guide is helpful and if there’s any other aspect of wedding planning we can help you with just ask!