
Seven inspirational activity ideas for hens

We’re coming out of lockdown and weddings celebrations are allowed again – Yay! However, as you know, quite backlog has built up and popular venues are well and truly booked for months and months ahead….so you may not be tying the knot quite as soon as you might like. Looking on the bright side, however, that gives you a bit more time to plan. Plus there’s nothing to stop you having a great Hen weekend fairly soon. Booking it abroad may not be the most sensible thing but there are plenty of great ways to “hen it up at home” and lots of fun activities you can include that are harder to organise abroad. In this post we share some entertaining ideas you might find inspirational.

March 9, 2021
5 min read

We’re coming out of lockdown and weddings celebrations are allowed again – Yay!  However, as you know, quite backlog has built up and popular venues are well and truly booked for months and months ahead….so you may not be tying the knot quite as soon as you might like.  Looking on the bright side, however, that gives you a bit more time to plan.  Plus there’s nothing to stop you having a great Hen weekend fairly soon.  Booking it abroad may not be the most sensible thing but there are plenty of great ways to “hen it up at home” and lots of fun activities you can include that are harder to organise abroad.  In this post we share some entertaining ideas you might find inspirational.  

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Zen Hen

A spa, wellbeing or mindfulness weekend is a great antidote to weeks of stressful wedding planning and a brilliant way to give your bridesmaids and close friends the opportunity to get to know each other while chilling the heck out.  A bit of relaxation and recuperation with oodles of pampering and TLC thrown in for good measure is the perfect chance to refresh, unwind and rejuvenate ahead of the big day – especially if there’s a bit of champagne and cake included along the way (a detox is all very well, so long as it doesn’t last too long!).  You can either spend the whole weekend at a spa hotel or wellbeing retreat, lounging in the lap of luxury or just enjoy a chill-out day before a wild night out on the town.

Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash
Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

Release your inner Michelangelo

A hen party wouldn’t be a hen party without a bit of naughty male nudity, right?  But maybe a Butlers in the Buff afternoon tea, a Naked BBQ Chef or a Hot Firefighters Cabaret Show has become a bit of a cliché?  So why not a life drawing class with a super fit male model?  It’s creative, it’s cheeky, it’s fun and you’ll have a beautiful portfolio of drawings you probably won’t want to hang on your living room wall!  

Let’s get the adrenalin going

You know when you watch kids on a trampoline or bouncy castle and think “that looks like a lot of fun”…but then remind yourself that you are probably too old for that sort of thing?  Well, how about going on a giant trampoline…in a cave!  Not just any old cave, either, but one so big you could fit St Paul’s Cathedral in there twice!   An old mining train will take you deep inside a Welsh mountain to a series of three different trampolines suspended as much as 180ft above the cave floor, linked by slides and walkways.  It’s bouncing bonkers fun, sure to get your heart racing and totally different from the traditional hen party activities.  Probably best to leave the Prosecco for afterwards!

Photo by Sandro Katalina on Unsplash
Photo by Sandro Katalina on Unsplash

Cocktails inside a computer game

Saving the planet has never been so much fun.  It’s a totally immersive Crystal Maze experience where you and your team of wonder women will travel across the galaxy then battle the fiendishly complicated AI technology within the evil Neosight Corporation.  If that’s not mind-bending and spaced-out enough for you then the in-flight cocktail will certainly help you adapt to zero gravity and add some extra warp factors.  It might not be Henlife as you know it, Jim, but one has to boldly go!

Really push the boat/hot tub out

Looking for something totally off the wall?  Then the Hot Tug experience will certainly float your boat.  It’s basically a hot tub, full of fresh hot water that’s also a mini tugboat.  Get into your cossies, mix up the cocktails (rum, the go to grog for sailors, is probably most appropriate), then it’s all aboard for a leisurely cruise around Canary Wharf or along the quaint Regent’s Canal.

Photo by Helena Yankovska on Unsplash
Photo by Helena Yankovska on Unsplash

Whole lot of shaking going on

Do you know the difference between a Hanky Panky, a Slippery Nipple and Sex on a Beach?  We’re talking cocktails, of course, and a cocktail mixology workshop has just the right combination of alcohol and naughtiness to get your hen night off to a good start.  The term “workshop” is a bit misleading as getting hands-on behind the bar, experimenting with a range of different spirits, flavours and techniques, under the guidance of an expert mixologist, then tasting and comparing everyone’s efforts, is a lot more fun than you’ll ever have in your normal 9-5!  

Does my bum look big in this?

Want a bit of mayhem (make that mayhen!) then this one is for you.  Everyone dons a giant Zorb suit (an inflatable ball you wear on your upper body) than engage in a series of hilarious games and challenges.  You’ll 'bump and grind' like you've never done before as you barge and bounce off each other in a series of hilarious games and challenges that include Hen Relay Race, British Bulldog, Queen of the Ring and Capture the Flag.  It’s competitive, but impossible to take seriously – you’ll be rolling around with laughter – literally.

Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash
Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash

Can we help you?

If you want more details about any of these hen party activity ideas, or want some others to be getting on with, just give us a call.  We have tons of contacts, experience and knowledge where all things wedding are concerned!