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You've just got engaged! What next?

Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash

First off – congratulations!  And enjoy the moment.  It’s a magical time so absolutely make the most of it.  But then, once your feet touch the ground again, you’ll realise that there are a few matters that need sorting, and soon.  In this post we share some thoughts that should help.

Press pause

The temptation, in the initial rush of excitement, is to tell everyone….immediately.  It’s up to you, of course, but we’d suggest taking a deep breath.  Because the moment you break the news you’ll find the questions coming thick and fast.  Also, it might be better tell some people earlier than others, to avoid upsetting anyone.  How long do you wait?  Again, it’s up to you.  Keeping it as a secret, just between the two of you, is a feeling you might like to savour for a while.  It also gives you time to make some plans before you have to share them with others.

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Break the news

Your mum and dad (not forgetting your future in-laws) should probably be the first to know.  Followed by close family and best friends.  If the first the hear about your new status is from someone else, or an update on social media, they are unlikely to be best pleased.  Ideally break the news to them face to face, or give them a call.  Emailing or messaging them is a last resort if you fail on the other two options and you need to put them in the picture before someone else does.  Once you’ve informed your nearest and dearest you can take to social media.

Get a manicure

Your hands will be in the spotlight for the next couple of weeks so get them in good shape.  A manicure is a good idea.   Or, if you're going for the natural look, make sure your nails are neat and clean.  You don’t want people focusing on your chipped polish or ragged cuticles rather than your gorgeous engagement ring.

Selfie time

A picture is worth a thousand words – so when you are ready to share your big news with wide world you needs some shots of you and your ring, you and your fiancé.  And if the actual proposal was caught on film share that look of surprise!

Party time

A celebration is called for.  Make that celebrations plural.  Start by round up some of your best friends and family for a celebratory drink.  Then maybe a bigger party a few weeks down the road.  Formal engagement parties were traditionally hosted by the bride’s parents.  Today many couples prefer the freedom of hosting their own event.  You could just could just put on a simple barbecue or host a more elaborate garden party, organise a glitzy evening of dinner and dancing in a country house or hire a room in a favourite restaurant or bar.  

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Pick a date

It’s one of the first questions you are going to be asked – so you’d better give it some thought.  You might want to discuss it with your close family and in-laws before you settle on sometime definite, just to be sure it fits in with their plans.  You don’t want to put anyone in an awkward position, and they’ll appreciate being consulted.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Insure the ring

You probably heard the story of the recently engaged couple in New York and how the ring slipped off her finger then disappeared down a grating in Times Square.  There was a happy ending thanks to the NYPD but there’s a lesson to be learnt.  Insure it asap – adding it to your home contents policy is surprisingly easy and inexpensive. 

Thinking a bit further ahead

You have a lot of planning ahead of you.  There’s no need to rush it but there are a few things you might want to start mulling over.  Getting some kind of budget in mind is a good place to start, along with the size and style of celebration you want.  After that you could turn your mind to numbers of guests, your list and looking for a venue.  Don’t be in too much of a hurry to make hard and fast decisions – take your time and keep your options open.  But by the same token there’s a lot to be said for a little thinking ahead.

If you need us…

You have just started to embark on an exciting journey – and the expert team here at Clevedon Hall would love to help you along the way.  Whether you’re looking for practical advice, or inspirational ideas, all you have to do is ask!