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Six classic wedding mistakes and how to avoid them

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Your wedding is probably going to be the most memorable day of your life – so you obviously don’t want any little challenges, issues or regrets clouding your happy recollections. There’s a lot to be learnt from all those who have walked down the aisle before you and in this post, we look at some of the most common mistakes that people tend to make. If we draw your attention to them early then the chances are that you can avoid these unfortunate pitfalls!

Not starting out with a clear budget in mind

Your wedding day is obviously about romance and celebration – but you need to be clear at the outset how much you can afford to spend. This may sound like we’re putting a damper on things right from the start. It’s far better, however, to have these discussions early on – before you get carried away with lots of ideas that you then realise you can’t afford. And you certainly don’t want to be approaching the big day with lots of money worries buzzing around your head. So crunch the numbers, then get creative as you think about all the ways you can make the money go further.

Photo by Thomas William on Unsplash

Failing to agree on the guest list before anything else

It’s so easy to get carried away discussing dates, researching venues, thinking about dresses and exploring theme options that you overlook what is arguably the most important decision of all (right up there with the budget – because the two go together). We’re talking about the wedding list. The number of people you plan to invite dictates practically everything else. Like setting the budget it’s not the most glamorous or exciting part of the process – but it’s something you need to sort right at the start. If you don’t…you’ll probably have cause to regret it. Cue the story about the couple who put down a non-refundable deposit on a cosy restaurant that could comfortably accommodate 75, only for mother-in-law-to-be coming up with a further 30 guests she insisted on inviting!
So, do not pass GO on the other discussions until you’ve got basic agreement on the scale of the event. Do you want an intimate affair, with close friends and family-only, or the bash of the season with 300-plus people, or somewhere in the middle?

Excluding your partner from important decisions

This follows on from the previous point – you need to discuss and agree on everything with your partner, and not take executive decisions in the heat of the moment, confident you can talk them around later. Having said that, make sure the wedding is not the only thing you ever talk about. Your fiancé will want to be involved in the planning process but try to avoid reading aloud every wedding magazine article you come across, taking him through thousands of images on Pinterest or overloading him with details, choices and ideas! Designate a night to sit down and talk about every different aspect of the wedding, and try to get a concrete idea of your partner's interest in the various details. If flowers aren't his thing then accept that and take the lead in this area. But also listen to things he is interested in and willing to help with.

Being hasty in your choice of venue

The venue sets the whole tone for your big day. You want one that won’t cramp your style. But by the same token make sure you don’t go too large and find yourselves rattling around. Clevedon Hall is grand and elegant enough to create a terrific sense of occasion. But it is also perfect for more intimate events with just a few close friends and family. The property offers a variety of rooms that can be combined in a number of different configurations to match your requirements perfectly. You also have the added opportunities afforded by the gardens and gazebo - a beautifully hand-crafted feature with seating for 150 guests on the surrounding terrace it makes a magical spot for your ceremony and photos.

Another terrific plus with Clevedon Hall is the fact we have 25 gorgeous bedrooms so that guests can party late into the night without having to worry about finding their way home. We’ve even got a private cottage for couples who want to escape to a secret hideaway the night before their big day.

Photo by Anna Docking on Unsplash

Trying to drop two sizes before your final fitting

You find the wedding dress of your dreams, but there’s just one problem - it's not quite a perfect fit on the real-life you. Your plan: order the dress two sizes too small, and then do whatever it takes to make it fit. It’s a great idea in theory, and as your wedding day approaches it’s sensible to eat healthily and exercise regularly. But crash dieting and wearing yourself out on a treadmill is not only going to make you miserable and irritable but you’ll probably end up squeezing into an ill-fitting gown. Instead of losing more sleep than weight pick a gown you love and order it in your current size. If you want to work on your body during your engagement, that's great - just be realistic and pick goals that are manageable. You're more likely to stick with a routine that doesn't require superhuman willpower.

Sweating the small stuff

Planning any wedding is a complicated affair and you do have to pay attention to the detail. But if things go wrong (and we guarantee that you’ll have to deal with a few surprises along the way) it’s important that you don’t get bent out of shape. Keep your eyes on the big picture and just focus on having a great time. One of your bridesmaids breaks her leg skiing a week before your big day, your brother forgot to bring the programs you spent last weekend hand-stamping and the best man has one too many and his speech lurches on for a little too long. But who cares? You’re marrying the love of your life! Don’t get so wrapped up in the details that the focus shifts from the celebration of your love, and the start of your life together, to a fixation on all the event planning stuff.  A few years down the line you’ll probably be laughing at these “disasters”.

Found this advice helpful?

These are just six tips we can give you – but there are many more. Our wedding planning experts have years of experience between them and will be more than happy to share their knowledge, ideas and enthusiasm. Give them a call now on 01275 795895 and discover for yourself how much they can bring to your big day.